It is so important to our own wellness that we intentionally create a relaxing moment for ourselves. Here are our must-have ingredients to cuddle up, get cozy, and rejuvenate- you deserve it!
While we are still in the midst of a pandemic, we have become pretty good at creating things to do, as a family, that keeps us all interested, learning, and having fun.
In the design community, fellow designers often mention their “design tribe”. These would be those individuals that they support, trust, and share openly with one another- community over competition.
We’ve all likely heard of others selecting their New Year’s “Word of the Year”. This is THE WORD that summarizes how you want to feel, your intention, or how you will define your year to come.
My name is Katja Lauterbach. I was born and raised in Germany and I have a strong connection to my home country. I design modern interiors with a European touch at Duett Design in Atlanta.
If you’re a Mom, it’s no secret that we’re so busy filling multiple roles in our lives that there’s isn’t time to do them all. The pandemic has only expanded our roles as everything to everyone, including virtual homeschool teacher and the point-person for all things at home.
One of my greatest strengths has always been getting stuff done. I typically use a stronger four-letter word to describe this superpower, but “stuff” will also suffice!
Ever wonder why farms often appear cluttered? Honestly, I have wondered exactly that in the past. Without any personal experience, I settled on the conclusion that the “country” must be the birthplace of hoarding.
Make no mistake about it, by all accounts, I am a “City Girl”. However, when I decide to do something, I am all in! I adopt this “thrive or die” attitude not only for myself, but also because I am careful about what I model for my daughter.
I believe in taking care of yourself so you can be the success you were made to be. You can’t take care of others if you’re feeling depleted. As an organizer, I think it’s important to invest in items that make you happy and that will last vs what’s in style right now (and only for a short season).
So much of what I do professionally is intangible – from program design to marketing strategy, devising pricing models or service offerings. In fact, so much so that I used to flip houses to have tangible evidence of my hard work.
Working from home full-time was only a reality for some of us once COVID-19 shut down the world. Although working in our pajamas from a laptop may have been a lifelong dream, it was probably a short-lived one.