What if we quickly create a FOCUS board that supports our goals and helps us to refocus when we need it? A visual for the day or week that gets us on track when we sway.
Do you or your kids get the Sunday blues in anticipation of the week ahead? Maybe you start your day’s schedule and it doesn’t go as you’ve planned. Sound way too familiar?
Take 10 Minutes
Give yourself ten minutes to write, draw, clip areas that you need to keep in focus and can return to when you shift in a different direction – mood or otherwise.
This is not your busy to-do list. Your FOCUS list is your redirect for the moment.
Ours for the week include:
⭐️ Move it! Body and mind
⭐️ Take time to garden
⭐️ Connect in community
⭐️ Do a creative activity
⭐️ Do for someone else

Curve the blues and overwhelm by putting focus on ways to redirect with intention.
How do you refocus? We love sharing! Use #ithrivewelldaily and share with the community.