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How do we ThriveWell by Design, Daily?

How do we ThriveWell by Design, Daily?

We bring a community together to share experiences, authentic stories, and helpful ideas so that we can all ThriveWell daily at HOME, at WORK, with FAMILY, and in WELLNESS-with intention.

A common connection we all have is that we all desire to live well and thrive and we all need community to support us.
Let’s take a closer look at each of these areas in our lives and better understand what it means to thrive.



ThriveWell by Design will help you live well at home through tips, inspiration, how to’s, and stories, along with the many ways you can add wellness and sustainable living into your home.

For me, our home is our place to rejuvenate, celebrate, heal, create memories, and feel safe. My intention when I began to help clients with their home projects came from an unplanned pause. I had just moved to a new city and my then three year old son fell ill for many months. I was home with him (and a 1 year old) and intensely felt that my surroundings overwhelmed me. I began to control the only thing that I felt I could control at that moment and organized, redecorated, and simplified my spaces. I needed my spaces to be calm and soothing. This awareness was the catalyst that began my Interior Design practice. I will repeat this often because I know from experiences: Our environment directly impacts our wellness.



ThriveWell by Design elevates the work of others – from entrepreneurs, creatives, good doers, to those who are pivoting and wanting to learn more. Our amazing contributor community of entrepreneurs are here to give and connect. Our spotlights and features will inspire.

Work life as an entrepreneur is full of learning curves, milestones, successes, failures, and pivoting moments. I’ve experienced it all. Perseverance, determination, willingness, grace, and attitude keep you pushing forward- without limits, without a finish line, without holding back and never ever at it alone. Connecting with others who are like-minded and supportive has leveraged everything that I have done and elevated my experiences. We all have gifts to give and being an instrument to help one another only strengthens us even more.



ThriveWell by Design shares relatable stories so that we all are supported, open to new ideas, and so that we can ultimately see our similarities. 

As a mom of teenage boys with daily soccer schedules and a lot of chauffeuring from point A to C to B to A, managing time comes with challenges. In fact, time scheduled doesn’t always go as planned. Being supportive with school work, individual needs, and making time for quality conversations is part of our everyday life. Our families connect the most through experiences, hardships, joy, laughter, learning, and history.



ThriveWell by Design provides ideas that you can use to help with new habits, goals, and experiences, while also sharing sustainable products and more.

There’s no finish line when it comes to wellness. We set wellness goals, whether it be with weight loss, exercise, meditations every other day and generally push the reset button. I’m with you! Our wellbeing is intertwined in every aspect of our day. If one area feels overwhelmed or off it will impact how we are doing overall. Let’s face it, we’ve had unexpected pauses and unplanned shifts and forced need to pivot. Supporting how we get there and how we take one day, one step, one idea, one new doing- at a time- while showing ourselves grace, patience, and self-love.


We don’t look at these 4 areas in our life as islands that don’t connect, they interweave and directly impact one another – if one is off, feels chaotic, or is creating overwhelm, then we’re impacted in all areas – and it doesn’t feel good.

If you’re on a deadline at WORK, how you feel in your space when you walk in the door at HOME can shift your mood to give you that needed boost. If you’re juggling a busy FAMILY schedule having a place to recharge for a quick break can take you through your day for better WELLNESS. How we start our day, prioritize and manage our time, and connect with others are all intentional actions that support us daily.

Take action!

What’s one shift you can do that will make a big difference in your day?

Select one of these actionable ways to help you begin to make progress-without perfection. By doing one (or all) you’ll see how they weave into each area of your day and improve your mindset.


Clear the Clutter

Our environment impacts how we feel and disorder adds to overwhelm and affects our productivity. Whether it’s clutter at home or in your home/work office, take 20 minutes to lessen the chaos. Pick the pain point that’s affecting you the most and begin there. You’ll sort, recycle, and organize more than you may realize in a short commitment of time. Also, consider to end the day with a quick 20 minute sweep to pick up around your spaces after work or before bed – it will keep things feeling manageable!

Control your Time

Your hours are often not your own and even with the best intentions things can not go as planned. Here’s some suggestions:

  • Get out your planner and look at the week ahead on a Sunday. Maybe it’s for meal planning and soccer practice schedules or maybe you’re juggling meetings and deadlines at work. 
  • Block your time in chunks and keep similar activities together. You’ve heard this before and it works. Your calendar should include your non-negotiable commitments that are good for you – like your afternoon run. Don’t forget to block time for checking email or social media to stay focused without those easy distractions. 
  • Each morning review the day ahead and begin the to-do task that you’d put off first and you’ll feel quick success. 

Start Your Day 

Determine a morning ritual that can work for you each day. It could be coffee and reading the paper before you wake your family, or making your bed, journaling (which we love), sitting on the patio with your planner, or setting your daily intention. This is about setting the tone of the day and though things may interrupt this time it’s just as important to block on your calendar so that you see it daily.

Prioritize for Progress

Look at your day and week ahead, are the tasks that you have planned in alignment with getting you closer to your goal or desired feeling and result? Maybe you have a financial goal or need, what’s on your list that gets you closer to that goal? Does anything in your day support it? Make it a -Do this or Do that- with what’s on your list and you’ll really see the intention supporting you in big ways. If it’s been some time since you’ve written down goals (and we’re not talking about a big 3 to 5 year plan) spend 20 minutes and begin those thoughts. Writing will let the ideas flow.  We like to use S.M.A.R.T goals: 

S = Specific

M = Measurable

A = Achievable

R = Relevant

T = Time Realistic

We love actionable tools in our ThriveWell by Design toolbox that make a big impact across all areas of day-to-day living. You’ll have more self-awareness when you plan with purpose and intention. These become second nature when put into action over time but having the structure can get you back on track. 

Enjoy listening to how each of our entrepreneur contributors start their day with their #ithrivewelldaily short videos. 

Share your actions using the community tag #Ithrivewelldaily and tag us on Instagram @ThriveWellbyDesign 

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